
The Poetry That Is Lifebh

Trying to find the beauty, the poetry, in every moment



Date Ideas that Promote Quality Time

Ahhhhh, the “perfect” date.

My first date with my husband was not a perfect date. I was incredibly nervous and incredibly awkward. We did dinner and a movie, and I just felt awkward the whole time.

After the dinner and a movie? We just talked, for quite awhile. And that part of the night…actually went really well, and was not awkward.

Even though I’ve already talked about how quality time can be difficult for introverts, I really enjoy dates that allow our time together to truly be quality, whether it be that it opens doors for good conversation, or is a quality activity to do together.

Here are some date ideas that I think promote quality time together. I won’t promise that all my ideas are free, but these are some of my favorites:

Continue reading “Date Ideas that Promote Quality Time”

When is a relationship past deal-breakers?

broken heart

In my humble opinion, I think we should be really careful what we consider “deal-breakers.”

Are there deal-breakers? Absolutely. I’m not saying that serious issues, such as abuse, shouldn’t be considered deal-breakers. That is a different topic and consideration entirely.

But we’ve all heard the conversations about people’s list of qualities they want in a significant other. Maybe we’ve even written one of those lists ourselves.

But should you truly look over a guy if he doesn’t play guitar? Really?

Should you really disregard a female because she isn’t your definition of a “trophy wife?” Really?

But, even beyond what is a deal-breaker is an even more important question:

At what point is a relationship past deal-breakers? Continue reading “When is a relationship past deal-breakers?”

4 Ways for Introverts to Make the Most of Quality Time


Just kidding, I don’t know how. 😂😂😂

In all seriousness though, this is an area I struggle in. I am an introvert in so many ways. I do like to be around people A LOT. But it’s exhausting, and I need time to myself to recharge after the fact.

I think lots of thoughts and have lots of ideas and am always inside my own head and communicate better through writing than through speech. I’d rather really think through something and have a well-constructed answer before I even speak.

I don’t like—and am not very good at—small talk.

So HOW am I supposed to be able to speak the “quality time” love language to someone?!?

I can’t be the only one out there with this problem. Surely someone has this COMPLETELY figured out. If you do, or know the person that does, give me that information ASAP. But until then, here are some humble ideas from yours truly on how to navigate the treacherous waters of quality time with others, when you’d like to be spending quality time with yourself.


Continue reading “4 Ways for Introverts to Make the Most of Quality Time”

4 Surprises in the First Month of Marriage

I got a bit behind on #LoveBlog because of the Super Bowl and a weekend at home. This post is based on yesterday’s prompt: National Marriage Week. I will be posting for today’s prompt later in the day.

The prompt is National Marriage Week, and I don’t feel fully equipped to write much of anything on marriage. We’re barely more than a month in, and I am definitely not the best wife to ever walk the earth. But there have been a few surprises in the past month. Let me know if any of these things surprised you as well. Continue reading “4 Surprises in the First Month of Marriage”

Faith, Hope, and Love

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13



For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Romans 10:10

My story of faith begins at an early age. I was seven when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, and I don’t remember as much about the “experience” as I wish I did. It was during a revival, and I remember feeling like I needed to go forward, but I was a shy child and was embarrassed to go up in front of everyone, so I didn’t make my profession of faith until the next night. But I don’t really remember much else.  Continue reading “Faith, Hope, and Love”

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