
The Poetry That Is Lifebh

Trying to find the beauty, the poetry, in every moment



Boundaries: a consideration of priorities

How you spend your time shows what your priorities truly are.

I saw a post on Facebook recently that said something along the lines of

“Instead of saying ‘I don’t have time’ say ‘it’s not a priority’ and see how you feel about it.”

It really makes you stop and think. How often in our busy lives do we “not have time?”  Just what does that reveal about what we are, consciously or subconsciously, placing priority on?
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Words of affirmation: more than just compliments

This is a “make-up” post for one of the #LoveBlog prompts I missed over Valentine’s Day weekend. “Words of affirmation” was the prompt for Saturday, Feb. 13.


Words of affirmation is one of my top love languages (it and physical touch vie for the top spot). I love to read, love to write, and ended up being an English teacher who teaches both to teenagers; it just makes sense that words would mean a lot to me in my personal relationships as well. Continue reading “Words of affirmation: more than just compliments”

Acts of service that will actually be appreciated

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Today’s #LoveBlog prompt is “Acts of Service,” one of the 5 love languages, which were discussed in an earlier post. I’ve gotten behind on blogging because of some travel, so there are some prompts that I have missed. Acts of service is actually today’s prompt, but I will be trying to “make up” some of the prompts I missed over the next couple of days, as well as try to stay on schedule.


So, acts of service. Acts of service has always been a pretty low score when I take the love languages quiz, but that just goes to show how love languages can be fluid, so we should be as fluent in them all as possible! Recently, acts of service has been one of the love languages I appreciate most.


Continue reading “Acts of service that will actually be appreciated”

Social media and the impact on teenagers

I love social media. I love that it makes the world a smaller place, that through technology we can keep up with events and with people from all over the world. I went to a college in my home state where a large percentage of students were not from that same state. Upon graduation, many—in fact, probably most—of my friends of four years ended up in other states, and places far from me. Social media has allowed me to remain connected to them.

Social media also allows us to build relationships with people we never could otherwise. Through platforms like Twitter and blogging, users can connect with people from all over the world with same or varied interests. It’s really an incredible world we live in today.

However, despite the love I have for social media, I feel strongly about the negative impact it can have on today’s youth, and I don’t think I will ever stop speaking out about it.


Continue reading “Social media and the impact on teenagers”

Role Models in the Digital Age 

Role model: a person looked to by others as an example to imitate

Who do you try to imitate? Is it someone you know personally, or a celebrity? And if it is someone you know, just how well do you know them?

Because life in the digital age makes it harder to know people.


Continue reading “Role Models in the Digital Age “

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